Friday, November 9, 2012

Answers for the sceptics re use of Magnets for pain relief!

Homeopathy, Magnetic Therapy and Placebos

This is an excellent article from Prof. Edzard Ernst and his homeopathic journey from advocate to sceptic. Personally, I know very little about homeopathy and will not pass judgement. But we are experts in magnetic therapy and these are observations … Continue reading 
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Q magnet therapy and power balance band holographic technology.

What’s the deal with the Power Balance Band and are there any similarities with Q magnets? As we explain on our magnetic therapy page, some products claim to influence the energy fields around the body. There is no research to … Continue reading 
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Penetration depth of Q magnets

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting a physiotherapist who was the coach of a triathlete club. Seeing we have had a number of professional triathletes and ironmen having great results with Q magnets, I thought it might be … Continue reading 
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Extreme skeptic … converted!!!

At a recent inservice at our Victorian clinic, Dianne converted me from an extreme skeptic to a true believer.  I have suffered from intermittent pain from 2 degenerative Lumbar spine discs since 1988.  Although I have few acute episodes recently I … Continue reading
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Used by top professional sports medical teams to speed up injury recovery. Used by top professional sports medical teams to speed up injury recovery.


  •  Boston Marathon. So he had a set of Q magnets express couriered to his door in three days and remarkably competed in a marathon 6 weeks later, pain free.
  • Read the, and much more!


Richard Branson: how to pitch in 5 Clear concise steps

Richard Branson: how to pitch in 5 steps

As any budding entrepreneur will know, pitching your ideas can be a nerve-racking process. Even business greats such as Richard Branson found the skill a hard one to come by, as a child Branson greatly struggled with shyness.
There aren't many obstacles that can’t be overcome with hard work however, recognising this Forbes has put together five tips for the perfect pitch.
The Virgin Group Founder relies on five key elements when presenting ideas:
1. What’s in it for them?
“Occasionally, an entrepreneur hoping to launch their first business puts so much thought into the concept that he or she neglects the financial and legal plan—and unfortunately, this often becomes apparent early in a meeting, when an investor can lack clarity in what exactly the proposed deal is going to look like.”
2. Be clear.
“Winning the trust of an investor means demonstrating a thorough knowledge of your concept or industry and laying out a step-by-step plan for offering something that’s new, innovative and will deliver healthy returns on their investment.”
3. Demonstrate smart disruption.
“Emphatically explain how your new company will give your customers a better deal than your competitors.”
4. Plan for sustainable growth.
“Nothing stays the same for long, so explain how you plan to tackle the inevitable technological changes and market shifts that are heading your way.”
5. Show them your strengths.
“Show prospective investors that you have found the right people to work at your new company.”
What’s your top tip for pitching? Let us know below…

Thursday, November 8, 2012

This is literally to-die-for! Six-Cheese Lasagne YUM!!

Qmagnets.... solutions for lower back pain...used by top sporting stars!

Purchase Q magnets

There are 13 available Q magnet models, starting from as little as $10 each. These can be added to your shopping cart and purchased individually below. For best value, choose one of the Q Bonus Packages, additional devices can be added if required. Or you can go to "How To Use" and purchase the recommended combinations for specific pain conditions or download the Fax Order Form. Orders over $200 receive free shipping anywhere in the world, see the shipping charges page for more detailed information.

 GoogleoTwitteroYouTubeo LinkedIno

Q magnets - Changing people's lives, one pain at a time.

As seen on Google plus too!

#Lower Back Pain .... RELIEF IS POSSIBLE!@

Qmagnets For Pain Relief Neuromagnetics Australia is a world leader in the treatment of acute and chronic pain.

Used by some of the most forwarding thinking therapists and top athletes on the world stage....

Australian Wallabies
Western Force
Queensland Reds
Brisbane Lions
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Australian sporting champions - Simon Black, David Pocock and Shane Watson to name a few. 

Seeking distribution partners in key countries in Europe/Africa/Middle East/Asia/South America/Canada and states across the USA.

lower back pain, arthritis, neck pain, foot pain, knee pain, headaches, migraines, chronic pain, complex pain.

Einstein’s Brain is Now an Interactive iPad App

Einstein’s Brain is Now an Interactive iPad App

New Einstein Brain App
It’s hard to find an individual human being held in higher esteem in western society than Albert Einstein. Most of us are well aware that, when Einstein died in 1955, scientists removed his brain for analysis. Many people had simply visualized them taking the brain and sticking it in a glass jar on a shelf somewhere, standing back and admiring it saying “man… that there is a nice brain.”
It turns out that they had much bigger plans for it and Einstein’s brain was divided up into hundreds of different small pieces and placed under microscope slides so that individual parts of his brain could be compared against those of other human beings.
The original goal for the project was to highlight and analyze the cellular structure and nerve conductive tissue.
Now, you too can take an extended look at Albert Einstein’s brain as this entire experiment has been turned into a very impressive iPhone application. You can flip through any of the images to get up close and personal with any of the 350 different brain slices included in this experiment.
The National Museum of Health + Medicine Chicago was able to put the entire application together through private funding and they’ve also decided to pass along the proceeds of the app to various charities.
It’s worth checking out and can be downloaded for $9.99.
Of course, virtually everybody is wondering what the big differences were between Einstein’s brain and those of people who didn’t change physics forever, and it appears as though a few of them were recorded in the experiment. For instance, it was documented that Einstein’s parietal lobe was 15% wider than most peoples brains. This is significant because the parietal lobe is where much of language, spatial perception and math is processed in the brain.
Understanding the secrets hidden in our brains, and how it interacts with all of the other parts of our body, is an extremely important part of getting a firm grasp on your overall health and wellness.
The Future of Health Now conducts interviews with experts, such as Dr Daniel Amen, each and every month. To learn more about FOHN and how you can gain access to this incredible information, click here.